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AP Panchayat Secretaries - Promotion Channel - Feeder Categories - GO 65 Dated 15.11.2024

AP Panchayat Secretaries - Promotion Channel - Feeder Categories - GO 65 Dated 15.11.2024. GO 65 Panchayat Secretaries - Subordinate Service Rules 2010 Amendment to GO 84. Panchayat Secretaries Promotion Channel - Public Services - Panchayat Secretaries-Subordinate Service Rules- The Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 -Amendments- Orders - Issued. G.O. MS. No. 65 Dated: 15-11-2024 AP Panchayat Secretaries - Feeder Category - Promotion Channel - Qualifications
G.O.MS.No. 65 Dated: 15-11-2024 AP Panchayat Secretaries - Promotion Channel - Feeder Categories - GO 65 Dated 15.11.2024

AP Panchayat Secretaries - Promotion Channel - Feeder Categories - GO 65 Dated 15.11.2024

GO 65 Panchayat Secretaries - Subordinate Service Rules 2010 Amendment to GO 84

Read the following:

1. G.O.Ms.No.84, PR&RD Department dated 24.02.2010.
2. G.O.Ms.No.110, PR&RD Department dated 27.09.2019.
3. G.O.Ms.No.148, PR&RD Department dated 27.09.2019.
4. G.O.Ms.No.1, PR&RD Department dated 24.01.2023.
5. Representation of AP Panchayat Secretaries Association dated:11.11.2022
6. Govt.Memo.No. 4856/Mdl.I/A1/2017-4, dt: 24.11.2022
7. From Sri U.Guru Swamy, Panchayat Secretary and another representation dt:25.07.2023.
8. Govt.Memo.No.4856/Mdl.I/A1/2017-4, dt:23.10.2017, 30.01.2018, 31.05.2018 and 24.11.2022.
9. From the Commissioner, PR&RD Letter No.590998/CPR&RD/B2 /2018, dt.06.02.2024.
10. From the APPSC letter No.GAD03-APPS0RR/4/2024-RRS, Dt:08.11.2024.

O R D E R:
In the reference 1st read above, Government have issued Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 for the post of Panchayat Secretary and accordingly published a notification in the Extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, Dated 24.02.2010.

2. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Government have issued orders for establishment of Village Secretariat System in the State including the posts (functionaries) in order to deliver the services effectively to the public at the village level.

3. In the G.O. 3rd read above, Government have issued orders amending the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 issued in G.O.Ms.No.84 PR&RD (MdI.II) Dept., Dt:24.02.2010, duly including the posts of Panchayat Secretary Grade - V and Panchayat Secretary Grade VI (Digital Assistant) in the service rules.

4. In the G.O. 4th read above, Government have issued orders amending the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 issued in G.O.Ms.No.84 PR&RD (MdI.II) Dept., Dt:24.02.2010, duly amending the Note-3, relating to ratios of Panchayat Secretary Grade-V & Panchayat Secretary Grade- VI (DA) in the service rules.

5. After careful examination of the proposal of the Commissioner, PR&RD, in the reference 9th read above, Government have decided to issue the certain amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 issued in G.O.Ms.No.84 PR&RD (MdI.II) Dept., Dt:24.02.2010, duly categorization of feeder categories basing on the Scales of Pay, the Junior Assistants /Junior Assistant-cum-Bill Collectors who are used to be promoted as Panchayat Secretary Grade-II as per earlier provisions will now be promoted to the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade-III.

6. The amendments hereby made shall come into force with effect on and from the date of publication in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.

7. Accordingly, the following notification will be published in an Extra- Ordinary Issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette Dated: 15.11.2024.


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with sub-section (1) of section 268 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act,1994 (A.P Act 13 of 1994) and of all other powers hereunto enabling the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Subordinate Service Rules, 2010 issued in G.O.Ms.No.84, PR&RD (MdI.II) Department, dated:24.02.2010 as subsequently amended from time to time.

In the said rules:- 1 . In Rule 3,-
i. under Class A: Supervisory posts, for the existing table, the following shall be substituted, namely,-

Sl. No Category Feeder Category Appointing Authority
1. Panchayat Secretary   Grade - I 1.By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade –II Commissioner of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development
2.Sanitary Inspector Grade-I
2. Panchayat Secretary   Grade –II 1. By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade –III. Commissioner of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development
3. Panchayat  Secretary   Grade - III 1.By Promotion from the category of Panchayat  Secretary Grade - IV District Collector
2. Junior Assistant of District Panchayat Office / Divisional Panchayat Office Unit
3. Junior Assistant / Junior Assistant-cum-Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
4. Panchayat Secretary  Grade - IV 1.By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade - V District Collector
2.Bill Collectors of Gram Panchayats
5. Panchayat Secretary  Grade - V 1.   Direct Recruitment District Collector
2. By Promotion from persons belong to Panchayat Secretary Grade -VI
3. By promotion from Persons belonging to other categories (excluding Junior Assistants / Junior Assistant-cum-Bill Collector, Bill Collectors, Sanitary     Inspector Grade-I) working in  Gram Panchayats whose services were regularized  under    G.O.Ms.Nos.212, and 112, Fin.Plg(FW.PC.III)   Dept., dated 22.04.1994 and  23.07.1997.
6. Panchayat Secretary  Grade - VI (Digital Assistant) Direct Recruitment District Collector

ii. For Note : 1, the following shall be substituted, namely,-

Note1 : In a cycle of 10 vacancies of the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade- I, 7th vacancy in every alternative cycle shall be filled up with Sanitary Inspector Grade-I and all other vacancies shall be filled up with Panchayat Secretary Grade -II.

iii. Note1(a) shall be Omitted.

iv. For Note 2, the following shall be substituted, namely,-
Note2 : In a cycle of 10 vacancies of the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade-III, the following feeder categories shall be filled up in the following order:-
1 Panchayat Secretary Grade - IV
2 Panchayat Secretary Grade - IV
3 Junior Assistant/ Junior Assistant-cum-Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
4 Panchayat Secretary Grade - IV
5 Junior Assistant of District Panchayat Office/ Divisional Panchayat Office Unit
6 Panchayat Secretary Grade - IV
7 Junior Assistant/ Junior Assistant-cum-Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
8 Panchayat Secretary Grade - IV
9 Junior Assistant/ Junior Assistant-cum-Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
10 Panchayat Secretary Grade - IV

v. For note 3, the following shall be substituted, namely,-

Note 3 : In a cycle of 10 vacancies of the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade – IV, the following feeder categories shall be filled up in the following order: -
1. Panchayat Secretary Grade - V
2. Panchayat Secretary Grade - V
3. Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
4. Panchayat Secretary Grade - V
5. Panchayat Secretary Grade –V
6. Panchayat Secretary Grade –V
7. Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
8. Panchayat Secretary Grade –V
9. Bill Collector of Gram Panchayats
10. Panchayat Secretary Grade –V

(vi) after Note 3, the following Note shall be inserted, namely,-

Note 3(a): In a cycle of 10 vacancies of the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade-V, the following feeder categories shall be filled up in the following order (as per G.O.Ms.No.1, PR&RD (Mdl.I) Department, dated 24.01.2023):

1 By Promotion from Panchayat Secretary Grade-VI
2 Direct Recruitment
3 Direct Recruitment
4 By Promotion from Panchayat Secretary Grade-VI
5 By Promotion from Panchayat Secretary Grade-VI
6 By promotion from persons belonging to other categories (excluding Junior   Assistants/    Junior    Assistant-cum-Bill   Collector,   Sanitary Inspector Grade-I) working in Gram Panchayats whose services were regularized under G.O.Ms.No.212, and 112, Fin&Plg (FW.PC.III) Dept., dated 22-4-1994 and 23-7-1997.
7 By Promotion from Panchayat Secretary Grade-VI
8 Direct Recruitment
9 Direct Recruitment
10 By Promotion from Panchayat Secretary Grade-VI

AP Panchayat Secretaries - Feeder Category - Promotion Channel - Qualifications

2. In Annexure to G.O.Ms.No.84, PR&RD (Mdl.II) Department, dated 24.02.2010, under Class-A Supervisor Posts, the following shall be substituted namely: -

Sl. No Category Feeder Category Qualifications
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Panchayat Secretary  Grade - I 1. By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade -II Must  have passed the Accounts Test for Local Body  Employees Paper-I and Paper-II
2. Sanitary Inspector Grade -I
2. Panchayat Secretary  Grade -II By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade -III Must   have   passed   the Accounts  Test  for  Local Body Employees Paper- I and Paper-II
3. Panchayat Secretary  Grade -III 1. By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade -IV Must    have    passed   the Accounts   Test   for   Local Body   Employees   Paper-I and  Paper-II
2.Junior Assistant of District Panchayat Office/Divisional Panchayat Office Unit
3.Junior Assistant/ Junior Assistant- cum-Bill     Collector     of     Gram  Panchayats
4. Panchayat Secretary  Grade -IV 1.By Promotion from the category of Panchayat Secretary Grade -V Must    have    passed    the Accounts   Test   for   Local Body   Employees   Paper-I and  Paper-II
2. Bill Collectors of Gram Panchayats
5. Panchayat Secretary  Grade -V 1. Direct Recruitment Must    have    passed   the Degree from any University in    India   established   or incorporated  by or under a Central  Act,  State  Act  or Provincial     Act     or     an institution    recognized   by the University Grants Commission.
2. By Promotion from persons belong to Panchayat Secretary Grade-VI (Digital Assistant) Must   have   passed   the Accounts  Test  for   Local Body  Employees  Paper-I and        Paper-II        and Computer  Efficiency  Test within the      period      of probation.
3. By  promotion  Persons  belonging to other categories (excluding Junior Assistants/Junior Assistant-cum- Bill Collector,  Bill  Collectors     Sanitary Inspector Grade-I)working in   Gram  Panchayats whose services were regularized under G.O. Ms.Nos.212, and 112,     Fin.     Plg     (FW.PC.III)  Dept.,dt:22-4-1994 and 23-7-1997. Must    have    passed    the Accounts   Test   for   Local Body   Employees   Paper-I and Paper-II and Computer Efficiency  Test  within  the period of probation.
6. Panchayat Secretary  Grade -VI (Digital Assistant) Direct Recruitment Must  have passed the  Degree or  Diploma          in Electrical, Electronics,   Computers,    IT, Instrumentation, BCA/ MCA, Any Degree with Computers as one    of   the    subjects    such as B.Sc.(Computers)/       B.Com (Computers)from any University in         India        established or incorporated   by   or   under   a Central   Act,   State   Act   or Provincial Act or an Institution recognized  by   the   University Grants   Commission    (or)   by a recognized    State    Board of Technical   Education and Training.

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