GSWS Transfers 2023 Online Apply Link - Eligibility for Transfers - How to APPLY - Who Can Apply
GSWS Transfers 2023 Online Apply Link - Eligibility for Transfers - How to APPLY - Who Can Apply. Here are the detailed guidelines for GSWS Transfers, How to APPLY for GSWS Transfers, Eligibility for GSWS Transfers, Procedure for Conduct of GSWS Transfers 2023, Counselling process for GSWS Transfers 2023. RC.No:222/F/GSWS /2023 Dated:27 /05/2023CIRCULAR
The Government have issued guidelines for request transfer of Village and Ward Secretariat employees vide G.O cited. The Director, GVWV & VSWS Department has been directed to take necessary action to prepare the schedule of transfers and communicate to all the concerned. Accordingly the following schedule and instructions are herewith issued.
1. Transfers of GSWS employees are done in three steps viz (i) Employee submits online request application, (ii) Mandal/ULB is allotted in the portal based on the evaluation criteria and (iii) Appointing Authority conducts counselling and issues place posting orders showing specific Village/ Ward Secretariat.
2. District Collectors and other Appointing Authorities are requested to publish the list of vacancies available under the respective designations in the Portal
3. Logins are given in the above Portal to the Secretaries of the concerned Line Departments, State HoDs, District Collectors and Appointing Authorities.
i. Single Women/Widow
The Government have issued guidelines for request transfer of Village and Ward Secretariat employees vide G.O cited. The Director, GVWV & VSWS Department has been directed to take necessary action to prepare the schedule of transfers and communicate to all the concerned. Accordingly the following schedule and instructions are herewith issued.
1. Transfers of GSWS employees are done in three steps viz (i) Employee submits online request application, (ii) Mandal/ULB is allotted in the portal based on the evaluation criteria and (iii) Appointing Authority conducts counselling and issues place posting orders showing specific Village/ Ward Secretariat.
2. District Collectors and other Appointing Authorities are requested to publish the list of vacancies available under the respective designations in the Portal
3. Logins are given in the above Portal to the Secretaries of the concerned Line Departments, State HoDs, District Collectors and Appointing Authorities.
4. Secretaries of the concerned Line Departments would issue Inter-District transfer orders allotting the District and Mandal/ULB. Sub: Dept of GV/WV & VS/WS - Human Resources- Transfers and Posting Village and Ward Secretariat employees- Instructions - _Issued
- 1. G.O.Ms.110, PR & RD (Mdl.l) Department, Dt :19.07.2019.
- 2. G.O.Ms.217, MA & UD (UBS) Department, Dt :20.07.2019.
- 3. G.O.Ms.No.156, General Admin (Cabinet-11) Dept Dt: 21.12.2019.
- 4. G.O.Ms.No.05, GVWV & VSWS Department, dated: 25.06.2022.
- 5. G.O.Ms.No.03, GVWV & VSWS Department, dated: 17.04.2023.
- 6. U.O.Note.No.555-SPF-A/91/1, GA (SPF-A) Dept, Dt.04.10.1991.
- 7. G.O.Ms.No.389 .General Admin (MC-1) Dept, Dt:06.07.2021
- 8.Memo.No.7232/1'1.C-1/2011-1,GAD (MC- 1) Dept Dt:04.08.2011
- 9.Director GV/WV & VS/WS, E.No.2072708, Dt:09.05.2023.
- 10.G.O.Ms.No.71, Fin (HR.IPLG & PLG&POLICY) DeptDt.17.05.2023.
- 1l.G.O.Rt.No.339, HM &FW (Bl) Department, dated: 24.05.2023
- 12. G.O.Ms.No.5, GVWV & VSWS Department, dated:25.05.2023 '
5. The appointing authorities conduct physical counselling and issue place posting orders showing specific Village / Ward Secretariat to the (i) Within the district candidates followed by the (ii) Inter-district candidates.
7. In view of G.O.Rt. No.399, HM & FW (Bl) Department, dated 24.05.2023, Transfers of MPHA (F) / ANMs who are recruited in above notifications shall be considered only on Mutual grounds as per G. 0. Rt.No.371, HM & FW (El) Department, dated: 16.05.2023.
8. Request of employee having any disciplinary charges/ ACB/ Vigilance cases pending against him/her shall not be considered.
10. GSWS Transfers 2023 Documents Required:
GSWS Transfers 2023 Who can Apply ?
6. The GSWS employees (except Energy Assistants) recruited under 2019 and 2020 Recruitment Notifications, completed two years of service and whose probation is declared as on 25-05-2023 i.e. the date of notification, can submit 'online application for transfer' in employees login of the above HRMS portal with self- attested details.7. In view of G.O.Rt. No.399, HM & FW (Bl) Department, dated 24.05.2023, Transfers of MPHA (F) / ANMs who are recruited in above notifications shall be considered only on Mutual grounds as per G. 0. Rt.No.371, HM & FW (El) Department, dated: 16.05.2023.
8. Request of employee having any disciplinary charges/ ACB/ Vigilance cases pending against him/her shall not be considered.
GSWS Transfers 2023: Procedure for Online Application for Request Transfer
9. Employees can indicate five priority Mandals/ULBs in the employees log in10. GSWS Transfers 2023 Documents Required:
- a. Employees shall produce 'No Dues . Certificate' from the MPDO/Municipal Commissioner as the case may be along with their request transfer application
- b. For Widows - Husband Death Certificate
- c. Medical grounds - Certified by State/District Medical Board
- d. For Spouse grounds - (i) Marriage Certificate, (ii) Spouse Aadhar,
- (iii) Certificate from the Employer along with the employee ID
11. Grounds of transfer Within the District Transfers
Applicants may request for transfer on the following grounds and they are arranged into the following priority groupsi. Single Women/Widow
ii. Medical Grounds (either Self or Spouse or dependent children or dependent parents) suffering from Cancer, Heart Disease, Neuro - Surgery, Kidney transplantation, Bone TB.
iii . Spouse ground (either of the spouses is eligible). Such applicants shall invariably produce (a) Marriage Certificate and (b) Certificate from the employer along with the employee ID, whose spouse working in the State Government including Public Sector Undertaking/ State Universities/ Municipalities/ Cooperative Institutions/ Aided Institution etc., Central
Government/ Central Government Institutions/ Central Universities etc, shall be considered. Applicants are serially arranged in each of the above Priority group based on the Merit rank in their respective District Selection list.
iv. Mutual transfer - Provision for only one option of Mandal / ULB will be provided in the Portal
1. That the number of Non-Locals shall not exceed 15% of the cadre strength of the erstwhile district at any point of time.
11. That the persons transferred should take last rank next to the last regular candidate in the category in the cadre to which transfer is effected and also f9rego seniority in the local cadre from which transfer is sought.
Applications are allowed only on the following two grounds i.e.
(i) Spouse Grounds
(ii) Mutual Requests
Note: Requests for transfer on any other grounds will not be entertained.
Government/ Central Government Institutions/ Central Universities etc, shall be considered. Applicants are serially arranged in each of the above Priority group based on the Merit rank in their respective District Selection list.
iv. Mutual transfer - Provision for only one option of Mandal / ULB will be provided in the Portal
GSWS Transfers 2023 Inter District Transfers:
The Inter-district transfers shall be subjected to following conditions;1. That the number of Non-Locals shall not exceed 15% of the cadre strength of the erstwhile district at any point of time.
11. That the persons transferred should take last rank next to the last regular candidate in the category in the cadre to which transfer is effected and also f9rego seniority in the local cadre from which transfer is sought.
Applications are allowed only on the following two grounds i.e.
(i) Spouse Grounds
(ii) Mutual Requests
Note: Requests for transfer on any other grounds will not be entertained.
Spouse ground:
Employee whose spouse working in the State Government including Public Sector Undertaking/ State Universities/ Municipalities/ Cooperative Institutions/ Aided Institution etc/ Central Government/ Central Government Institutions/ Central Universities etc shall be considered.
Employee whose spouse working in the State Government including Public Sector Undertaking/ State Universities/ Municipalities/ Cooperative Institutions/ Aided Institution etc/ Central Government/ Central Government Institutions/ Central Universities etc shall be considered.
Such applicants shall invariably produce (a) Marriage Certificate and (b) Certificate from the employer along with the employee ID.
Applicants are serially arranged based on the Merit rank in their respective District selection list. In case of a tie, Women employees are given priority followed by Date of Birth.
GSWS Transfers 2023 Mutual transfer:
Provision for only one option of Mandal/ULB will be provided in the Portal.
GSWS Transfers 2023 Role of Authorities
12. Appointing Authorities shall notify the total cadre strength and number of Non-Locals working in the cadre of erstwhile district.
13. Appointing Authorities shall notify the Mandals / ULBs where less than 50% of sanctioned strength under each of the designation are presently working in order to ensure outflow matches the inflow.
14. Not more than 20% of staff under any designation working in the present re-organized part of the erstwhile district shall be allowed for transfer.
15. Appointing Authorities are directed to keep the records of sanctioned cadre strength, District Selection Merit List, Probation Declaration list, Disciplinary cases list, number of non-locals ,working in the cadre etc to view the applications and verify the particulars like the merit rank in the selection list, year of recruitment, certificates uploaded in support of the transfer request, disciplinary cases etc, through online continuously. Prepare provisional serial list in each category based on District Selection Merit Rank and publish the same in the Portal along with Rejected List duly citing the reasons for rejection.
16. As for as online procedure is concerned, Mandal/ULB is allotted to the employee in the above portal itself. Appointing, Authority further conducts Physical Counselling and issues Transfer Proceedings showing specific Village/ Ward Secretariat.
17. In case of inter-district transfers the appointing authority of the erstwhile district where the applicant is presently working (Source District) shall transmit the applications online to the counterpart of the erstwhile district to which transfer is sought (Destination District)..
18. The appointing authority of the destination district shall forward the applications with remarks in the prescribed format provided in the portal in terms of references 6th, 7th and 8th cited to the state HoD(Enclosed)
19. Essentially Non-locals shall not exceed 15% of the cadre in the erstwhile district at any point of time.
20. The State HoD would submit the above inter-district transfer proposals to the Secretary to Government for orders.
21. Transfer proposals would be approved by the Secretary to Government with concurrence of GA(MC-I) Department by 08-06-2023.
22. All the Applicants shall report in person before the appointing authority for Counselling for further specific place posting orders as per the schedule.
23. Appointing Authority shall conduct physical counselling in the following order
(i) Candidates within the district
25. Employee can file grievance if any before the District Collector between 10.06.2023 to 13.06.2023
26. District Collectors are requested to examine the Grievances and submit the report to the Government before 17.06.2023
27. It shall be noted that
(a) No employee shall be posted to any Village/Ward Secretariat in their native Gram Panchayat / Ward.
(b) The inter-district applicants shall take last rank next to the last regular candidate in the designation in the district to which transfer is effected and also forego seniority in the local cadre from which transfer is sought
Applicants are serially arranged based on the Merit rank in their respective District selection list. In case of a tie, Women employees are given priority followed by Date of Birth.
GSWS Transfers 2023 Mutual transfer:
Provision for only one option of Mandal/ULB will be provided in the Portal.
GSWS Transfers 2023 Role of Authorities
12. Appointing Authorities shall notify the total cadre strength and number of Non-Locals working in the cadre of erstwhile district.
13. Appointing Authorities shall notify the Mandals / ULBs where less than 50% of sanctioned strength under each of the designation are presently working in order to ensure outflow matches the inflow.
14. Not more than 20% of staff under any designation working in the present re-organized part of the erstwhile district shall be allowed for transfer.
15. Appointing Authorities are directed to keep the records of sanctioned cadre strength, District Selection Merit List, Probation Declaration list, Disciplinary cases list, number of non-locals ,working in the cadre etc to view the applications and verify the particulars like the merit rank in the selection list, year of recruitment, certificates uploaded in support of the transfer request, disciplinary cases etc, through online continuously. Prepare provisional serial list in each category based on District Selection Merit Rank and publish the same in the Portal along with Rejected List duly citing the reasons for rejection.
16. As for as online procedure is concerned, Mandal/ULB is allotted to the employee in the above portal itself. Appointing, Authority further conducts Physical Counselling and issues Transfer Proceedings showing specific Village/ Ward Secretariat.
17. In case of inter-district transfers the appointing authority of the erstwhile district where the applicant is presently working (Source District) shall transmit the applications online to the counterpart of the erstwhile district to which transfer is sought (Destination District)..
18. The appointing authority of the destination district shall forward the applications with remarks in the prescribed format provided in the portal in terms of references 6th, 7th and 8th cited to the state HoD(Enclosed)
19. Essentially Non-locals shall not exceed 15% of the cadre in the erstwhile district at any point of time.
20. The State HoD would submit the above inter-district transfer proposals to the Secretary to Government for orders.
21. Transfer proposals would be approved by the Secretary to Government with concurrence of GA(MC-I) Department by 08-06-2023.
22. All the Applicants shall report in person before the appointing authority for Counselling for further specific place posting orders as per the schedule.
23. Appointing Authority shall conduct physical counselling in the following order
(i) Candidates within the district
- (a) Single Woman/ Widow
- (b) Medical grounds
- (c) Spouse
- (d) Mutual
- (a) Spouse
- (b) Mutual
- a. Merit Rank in the District Selection list
- b. No Dues Certificate
- c. No Disciplinary cases Pending Certificate
- d. Marriage Certificate, Spouse Aadhar, Employee Authorisation Letter, Medical Certificate issued by State/ District Medical Board Death Certificate of the Husband wherever applicable
25. Employee can file grievance if any before the District Collector between 10.06.2023 to 13.06.2023
26. District Collectors are requested to examine the Grievances and submit the report to the Government before 17.06.2023
27. It shall be noted that
(a) No employee shall be posted to any Village/Ward Secretariat in their native Gram Panchayat / Ward.
(b) The inter-district applicants shall take last rank next to the last regular candidate in the designation in the district to which transfer is effected and also forego seniority in the local cadre from which transfer is sought
(c) All Applicants shall note that if any false information/ documents are submitted they are liable for disciplinary as well as criminal action
28. For any clarifications or technical issues, may can contact the 'transfer help line' numbers established at the office of Director, GSWS, Vijayawada between 8.00AM to 8.00PM every day: 9010656383; 7981927494; 8309961905.
28. For any clarifications or technical issues, may can contact the 'transfer help line' numbers established at the office of Director, GSWS, Vijayawada between 8.00AM to 8.00PM every day: 9010656383; 7981927494; 8309961905.